
Whenever I go to church, I take my journal.  I’m shocked at the number of people who don’t take notes (most don’t) and I don’t mean that in a prideful, I’m better-than-you way.   If I don’t take notes,  I will forget most of the message by the next day and it’s more than likely that I won’t remember the specific lessons that God was trying to speak to me that day. 


We live in the information age and in order for our spiritual roots to go deep, we have to take notes, pay attention to what God is doing in our lives, everyday and then GO BACK and remind ourselves of the themes in our lives.  

If you make a point to be in the Word everyday, which I hope you do, it’s so easy to do your daily devotions and then you’re on to the next task of the day. 


I’m strongly suggesting that you slow down and soak in the Word.  Meditate. Take notes.  Keep your spiritual eyes open.  You will be surprised when you go back and review the story that God is writing in your life, over time.  The more we know God and His Word, the more our worship grows.   Our worship is relative to what we know about God that’s why over time, as we know His love more, our worship expands. 

Some of my favorite quotes on Meditation

from Dr. Donald Whitney’s book, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.”  One of my very favorite resources.

Most information, even biblical information, flows through our minds like water through a sieve.  There’s usually so much information coming in each day and it comes in so quickly that we retain very little.  BUT when we meditate, the truth remains and percolates.  We can smell its aroma more fully and taste it better.  As it brews in our brain the insights come.  The heart is heated by meditation and cold truth is melted into passionate action.  – p. 59

It is possible to encounter a torrential amount of God’s truth, but without absorption you will be little better for the experience.  Meditation is absorption.  p. 50

The tree of your spiritual life thrives best with meditation because it helps you absorb the water of God’s Word (Ephesians 5:26).  Merely hearing or reading the Bible, for example, can be like a short rainfall on hard ground.  Regardless of the amount or intensity of the rain, most runs off and little sinks in.  Meditation opens the soil of the soul and lets the water of God’s Word percolate in deeply.  – Dr. Donald Whitney  – p. 50

Here are a few writing exercises that will help you slow down, memorize scripture and soak in the Word.